Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Want some whine with that cheese..

When they say paybacks occur with your kids, they are right. I remember my mom getting so annoyed with my whining. I didn't think I did but of course I probably did my fair share of whining. When my children (well just Owen right now) whine it is like nails on a chaulk board. It makes me crazy. Owen is at that age where he does whine a lot and on Sunday he was being extremely bad and I had enough of it. I turned to him and had the following conversation:

Me: Owen you need to please stop whining!
Owen: I know, but I am 4 and I can whine!

Needless to say he got me with that one. Andy and I were laughing so hard from that and what do you say to that. It was a good chuckle that is for sure.