Eli and Owen are really starting to play together. It is so nice in the mornings when they wake up at the crack of dawn they can play together in their room for about 45 minutes with out the need of adult intervention. They typically play well together but there are times when Eli has a toy that Owen wants. At that point Owen will steal the toy from him and then Eli throws a fit, however Owen has figured out that he can usually stop the crying or even prevent it by exchanging toys. Eli typically isn't that tied to a toy.
A few days ago it was baseball week at school for Owen and they wore baseball hats to school that week. Also Owen is loves his puppy dog "stuffy" as he calls it. So as we were leaving their room Eli had to put on a hat and have a stuffy as well. As you can tell Eli looks up to Owen big time. It is so cute, I am relishing these days before they hate each other and are constantly fighting.
Hopefully we will be able to get another picture in a year or so with Baby Cather No. 3 looking up to Eli. Yes you read that correctly, we are expecting a third due January 11, 2011. We will be stubborn and not find out the gender. We will officially be come a brood. We will need 5 toppers instead of the readily available 4 toppers. All the grandparents and Aunt Gigi are very excited. Our biggest challenge will be all of them sharing a room since our place is a two bedroom town home.
I am a working mother of 3 boys. I have a darling husband who has a case of OCD and is a sports nut. Life is busy and not slowing down anytime soon. I am not good a writing but I am determined to remember all the funny stories that life brings us.