Friday, January 8, 2010

It has been awhile...

So I have been a slacker regarding my blogging and I am going to blame it mostly on the holidays, life sure did get busy once Thanksgiving hit. We had something going on every weekend and I decided to go to training for a week in Chicago. Luckily I have a great sister who came in and helped Andy with the boys, otherwise I don't know if I would have still had 3 boys in my life. Gretchen did get hit with reality of being a mom and has decided it isn't quite time to give up the single going out life for diapers. After the first day she had the following observations.. 1) midnight-2:30am is way more fun as a chick in the city than as a mom, 2) night potty training is traumatic for everyone, 3) 3-year-olds move SLOWLY, 4) ride-able fire trucks are used for rolling over your brother, 5) having a 3-year-old look you square in the eyes and giving you an unsolicited 'I love you, Gigi' is heart-melting, 6) having a 10-month-old look at you with big bright eyes and a huge smile at 2:30am is impossible to hide a smile back from. They all survived and fun was had by all.