We made our annual trip to New Jersey to visit Andy's relatives. As part of the visit, we took advantage of being so close to NYC and road the train in.
We took the boys in to see a puppet show at Macy's and mailed letters to Santa.
Then we headed up to Times Square to ride the Ferris Wheel at Toys R Us and experience the Hershey's store. Of course this was the weekend that it decided to snow like mad. We left NYC right as it was about to snow (and when it was getting crazy busy). By the time we got back to Andy's Aunts house the snow was coming down pretty well. Luckily All of Andy's relatives made it down and we got to have a nice visit.
That night we had to venture out in the snow back to the hotel. There was already about a foot of snow on the ground and there where a lot of stuck cars.. come on people you have to keep moving or else you will get stuck. Thankfully we had a car with a high wheel base and had no problems.
We were lucky to have a hotel right by the interstate and it was nice and clear by the time we headed out.. they know how to clear roads in NJ unlike Virginia. When we got back to Virginia the highways were clear but the primary roads were not great, so that made us nervous about our subdivision. When we pulled up, our road in was better than the primary. We were greeted by a deep driveway.