Saturday, July 14, 2012

Football Combine Day

Our Realtor had a family day at Redskins park, which isn't far from us in Ashburn.  Much to Andy's chagrin, it was decided that we should go.  Andy so wanted to wear NY Giants gear, but I shut that down. I felt that it was rude since were guests of friends.  It was a neat experience for the boys (and adults).  They set up the field with various combine activities, the 40 yard dash, shuttle run, push ups, long jump and standing jump.  Owen and Eli had a lot of fun with the activities.  Aaron ran around and got soaking wet because the turf was drenched due to all the rain that had occurred overnight.  

Loving Brothers

On your mark, get set...


I am done!

Shuttle run

Standing jump.

Tired boy


Eli doing the shuttle run