Monday, November 21, 2011

Potty Training

I think my least favorite thing to do with children is potty training.  The whole process tries my patience, which is not hard to do in general.  Eli has been somewhat challenging and not super interested in the whole thing.  He was not getting the pee pee part for a while and it was super frustrating - he would hold it, hold it and then not tell his teachers.  We would get it at home because we only had to focus on him, his poor teachers focus on a class of 15 little ones.  Miss Sandra decided to see if he would like to stand up.. that was it - he was pee trained.  Now onto getting him to be No 2. trained - I have less patience for this. I HATE cleaning up poppy pants.  It puts me in a horrible mood.  Up until today Eli had not pooped on the potty EVER.  We have been bribing him with an Ice Cream cake and match box car.  Well when I went to pick up Eli today, I got the good news - see his tracking chart.

I was so proud of him.  He gets so upset when he poops in his pants, we all have been stalking him starting around 4:30 as that is when he tends to do his business.  Today the caught him and he finally went! We shall see how long it takes before we are consistent.. hopefully not to long.