Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter!

The boys had a really good Easter. They started by coloring eggs at Grandma and Grandpa's house on Saturday night while Andy and I witnessed a friend join the Catholic Church.  Then the Easter bunny visited the boys and they got some good loot in their Easter baskets and then hunted for eggs.  We then had everyone over for Easter dinner and enjoyed everyone's company. 

What did you get? Matchbox cars too?

My new "Hel mu"

I had fun watching!

Happy 3 months Aaron

Aaron was 3 months old on April 10th.  He is getting so big, he has great head control and is lifting it well during tummy time.  He wasn't being very cooperative with the picture but this is as good as we could get

Easter Egg Hunt

We took the boys to an Easter Egg hunt in Leesburg.  They had moon bounces and small amusement rides.  Eli loved the rides, Owen only liked the spinning one which made me slightly nauseated from being dizzy

Owen didn't really like the ride

Weee!  Weeee!

Round and Round - me very dizzy

Eli "hunting" for eggs

The boys

Owen after the egg hunt

All worn out from the excitement.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

As I said I am very behind in my posts, here is the picture we took for St. Patrick's day.  This is the best one, they weren't being very cooperative.


Tummy Time

Aaron has been working on his tummy time and is getting pretty good at it.  He doesn't seem to mind it - well at least for a few minutes anyway!


All that tummy time wore me out!

Happy 2 months Aaron!

Here is Aaron's 2 months picture!


First Day of Spring

I am very behind in my posts so here goes a flurry of them.  Here are some pictures of the first warm day of the year.  I took the boys to the park down the street and they had a lot of fun running around and enjoying the weather.  

I want long sleeves on

Fun on the swings!

Bounce Bounce

Driving the Bus